「经济学人解读」英语教学的危害 (中)
①It is not surprising that there is a surge in “English-medium” education all over the world. ②In some regions—such as East Asia and Latin America—the growth is principally among the rich. ③In others—Africa and South Asia, where former colonies never quite escaped the language's grip—it is happening at all income levels. ④Parents' desire for their children to master English is spurring the growth of private schooling; ⑤parents in the slums of Delhi and Lagos buy English-medium education in the hope that their children will gain a university degree, obtain good jobs and even join a glittering world of global professionals.
①It is not surprising that there is a surge in “English-medium” education all over the world.
首先说下它在此处的用法:名词,表示“激增;剧增”,英文解释为“A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly.”后面可以+in/of,举个🌰:
After an initial surge of interest, there has been little call for our services.
又比如,现在考研人数越来越多,专家们对此现象的原因各执一词,我们就可以说Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in the college graduates applying for graduate studies.
该词理解为“激增”时还可以充当动词,比如“股价猛涨”就可以用Share prices surged表示。
She could feel anger surging inside her.
A wave surged up towards them.
The crowd surged through the gates.
Relief surged through her.
最后这两个例子都用到了surge through,不同的是主语一个是“有灵”主语,一个是“无灵”主语,很有意思。关于这两个术语,之前在中国留学生不该说中文?杜克大学就教授邮件道歉一文中也介绍过(点击蓝色字进行回顾)。
「无灵主语」英语母语作者为了避免“我”、“我们”这样带有明显主观色彩的词语作主语,或是为了起到拟人化、形象化的效果,常使用无灵主语,即无生命的名词或名词短语作为句子主语。又如,我们要说“浙江过去几年发生了翻天覆地的变化”就可以说The past few years saw a drastic change in Zhejiang.
关于这个词最后要啰嗦的是,surge理解为“涌动”的时候也可以作名词,可以用a surge of+名词的结构,比如看到自己的爱豆时很兴奋就可以说I felt a surge of excitement. 如果见到爱豆的你已经到了失控的地步,你甚至可以说I felt a surge of hysteria. 再比如之前发生的难民潮,很多外媒用到的表达就是a surge of refugees。这个词就讲到这儿啦。
“English-medium” education
An English-medium education system is one that uses English as the primary medium of instruction—particularly where English is not the mother tongue of the students.
说白了就是老师上课的时候主要说英语。值得注意的是,medium在此处理解为“表现方式;交流手段”,英文解释为“A medium is a way or means of expressing your ideas or of communicating with people.”
为什么不是理解为“媒介”呢?第一种“媒介”的具体意思为“媒介物;介质”,英文解释为“A medium is a substance or material which is used for a particular purpose or in order to produce a particular effect.”不难发现,此时“媒介”指的是某种实实在在的物质。举个🌰:
Blood is the medium in which oxygen is carried to all parts of the body.
另一种“媒介”的具体意思为“传播媒介(如报纸、电视等)”,英文解释为“a way of communicating information and news to people, such as newspapers, television etc”,举个🌰:
Advertising is a powerful medium.
①It is not surprising that there is a surge in “English-medium” education all over the world.
②In some regions—such as East Asia and Latin America—the growth is principally among the rich. ③In others—Africa and South Asia, where former colonies never quite escaped the language's grip—it is happening at all income levels.
首先来说说colony。大家熟悉的“殖民地”这一意思就不多说了。colony还有几个比较有趣的意思。它可以表示“(某一类人的)聚居区”,英文解释为You can refer to a place where a particular group of people lives as a particular kind of colony,比如《甄嬛传》中的宁古塔就可以说是a penal colony(一个罪犯的流放地)。
此外,它还可以表示“(生物)居住在一起的群体”,英文解释为A colony of birds, insects, or animals is a group of them that live together. 举个🌰:
The islands are famed for their colonies of sea birds.
还有看动物世界的时候,水牛什么的经常是一群群的,就可以用a buffalo colony表示。
第二个意思是“(动物在某地)聚居;(植物在某地)大量繁殖”。比如小时候发现老家装米的那个“大容器”(不知道叫啥,就是很大,非常大。。。)里面有个蜜蜂窝,当时还小不知道用英语表达,现在就可以说A swarm of bees colonized the large container.(姑且先这样翻译大容器,原谅我。。。)再比如,大家都应该见过有些房子的墙上满是爬山虎,就可以说The wall is colonized by virginia creeper.
第二个要说的词就是grip,最熟悉的意思就是hold sth tightly“紧握;抓住”,比如“抓住栏杆”就可以用grip the rail表达,此时grip为动词。也可以用作名词,所以“抓住栏杆”还可以用keep a tight grip on the rail表示。那么“松手怎么”说呢?可以用loosen/release/relax your grip表示。
但这里是另外一种用法,作名词,表示“(对某人或某事物的)控制”,英文解释为“power and control over someone or something”,比如我们经常会看到“要加强对市场的控制力”类似句子,就可以说We need to tighten the grip we have on the market.
I was gripped by a feeling of panic.
还有一个有趣的意思,grip可以做动词表示“吸引”,英文解释为If you are gripped by something such as a story or a series of events, your attention is concentrated on it and held by it. 比如今天我去看了《驯龙高手3》,就可以说I was gripped by the interesting story. 由“吸引”这个意思呢,又可以引申出它的形容词形式,gripping,表示“吸引人的”,所以就可以说The film is a gripping cartoon. 这部电影是一部扣人心弦的动画片。
②In some regions—such as East Asia and Latin America—the growth is principally among the rich. ③In others—Africa and South Asia, where former colonies never quite escaped the language's grip—it is happening at all income levels.
④Parents' desire for their children to master English is spurring the growth of private schooling; ⑤parents in the slums of Delhi and Lagos buy English-medium education in the hope that their children will gain a university degree, obtain good jobs and even join a glittering world of global professionals.
It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
Their attitude, rather than reining him back, only seemed to spur him on.
由它的动词意义可以引申出其名词意义,表示“促进因素; 推动”,如:a belief in competition as a spur to efficiency 一种认为竞争能促进效率提高的观点。
此外,spur做动词时还可以表示“加速;促进”,英文解释为“to make an improvement or change happen faster”,举个🌰:
The administration may put more emphasis on spurring economic growth.
最后介绍有关spur的一个习语,on the spur of the moment,表示“一时冲动之下”,英文解释为“You do sth suddenly, without planning it beforehand”. 比如我的同学冲动之下就买了台512G的iPhone Xs Max,就可以说One of my classmates bought an iPhone Xs Max with 512GB of storage on the spur of the moment.
buy这一词大家再熟悉不过了,这里还是要稍微提一下,因为buy有一个很生僻的意思,表示“接受;相信”。可能会有同学认为这个意思放在此处很贴切——父母接受英语教学教育...我在这里也思考了一下,还是觉得这种意思在此处不合适。为什么呢?我们看一下英文解释就懂了:to believe something that someone tells you, especially when it is not likely to be true (informal)所以其实完整的中文意思是“接受,相信(尤指不大可能属实的事)”这是朗文词典里的解释,从中可以看出一般是别人跟你说了一件可能是假的事情,你选择相信,用在这句话中语境不合适。
而柯林斯给出的英文解释是“If you buy an idea or a theory, you believe and accept it.”所以适用此意思的对象是idea和theory,个人认为跟此处的“English-medium education”(体系)也有区别。
最后再给大家补充buy的一个用法:作名词,表示“合算的东西,便宜货”,英文解释为something that is worth buying, because it is cheap, good quality, or likely to gain in value,举个🌰:
The wine is a good buy at $5.2.
再比如:经常听到有人说“货买三家不吃亏”,就可以说It's worth shopping around for the best buy (= what you want at the lowest price ). 应该多看看,找最合算的买。
这个词大家可能也不陌生,表示“闪闪发光的;璀璨夺目的”,也就是bling bling的意思,比如电视里那种亮瞎眼的宝石就可以说glittering jewels (璀璨的宝石)。
glittering还可以表示very impressive and successful“辉煌的;成功的”,比如你有位同学痴迷于学术,以后准备进军博士队伍,你就可以说他/她是 a brilliant school pupil destined for a glittering academic career 一位立志拥有出色学术生涯的高才生。
glittering最后一个常见意思是“盛大的,华丽的;众星云集的”,英文解释为connected with rich, famous and fashionable people,比如微博的V影响力峰会就可以说是a glittering occasion一场盛会;到场的大咖非常多,就可以说 a glittering array of celebrities 名人云集。
语言点就讲到这。最后提一下第⑤句中的两个地名Delhi和Lagos分别是”德里”和“拉各斯”,位于印度和尼日利亚,进一步推出位于南亚和非洲,对应第③句中的Africa and South Asia。第③句中提到“英语教学”热潮发生于各个收入阶层,所以第⑤句中提到德里和拉各斯贫民区的父母也送孩子接受“英语教学”教育,与第③句相呼应,由此可见英语文章紧密的逻辑。
关于private schooling的补充资料:http://t.cn/EIUV4uR 和 http://t.cn/EcupAoG 感兴趣的同学可以复制链接在浏览器中打开扩展了解一下。
最后想跟大家聊的是我的一个翻译习惯,或者说给大家提的建议,类似Parents' desire for their children to master English 这种由动词派生或者含有动词意味的名词(比如这里是desire),我一般会把它转换词性译成动词,整个短语也就译成一个句子。比如:The book is a reflection of the whole American society. 就可以翻译成“这本书反映了美国社会的全貌。”再比如:The sound of the old folk song filled me with special longing. 就可以译成“听到这首熟悉的民歌,令我特别神往。”
④Parents' desire for their children to master English is spurring the growth of private schooling; ⑤parents in the slums of Delhi and Lagos buy English-medium education in the hope that their children will gain a university degree, obtain good jobs and even join a glittering world of global professionals.
It is not surprising that there is a surge in “English-medium” education all over the world. In some regions—such as East Asia and Latin America—the growth is principally among the rich. In others—Africa and South Asia, where former colonies never quite escaped the language’s grip—it is happening at all income levels. Parents’ desire for their children to master English is spurring the growth of private schooling; parents in the slums of Delhi and Lagos buy English-medium education in the hope that their children will gain a university degree, obtain good jobs and even join a glittering world of global professionals.
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